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What Customers Are Saying About The

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"Dear Ricky, 

Last month you replaced three of my fabric-roll slide toppers with the True  Topper product.  

I was excited at the prospect of not enduring the noise of flapping toppers  during high winds. Sometimes it would be so loud, I would either strap the  toppers down or bring in the slides. So far this spring I’ve already experienced  several windy days 30-50 mph. Only my one remaining fabric topper made  noise. That topper was not swapped because of the hardware placement for  awnings etc. Only one topper flapping vs. 4 is a major improvement.  

I did have two concerns; rain and heat. Again it did not take nature long to  provide the test. Since the installation we have had several rain storms, some  with driving wind. The rain noise was not a problem and no leaks. Lastly I was  worried that the exposed slide roof would get much hotter than the previously  covered roof. That worry too proved false. In fact the measured external surface  temperature of the exposed roofs proved much cooler than the fabric covered  roof. I’ve included my measurements and comments on the following page.  

Thank you for presenting the True Topper as an option for replacing my old  toppers.

Temperature Experiment

I made a series of measurements of the exterior and interior surface  temperatures using a commercial quality infrared thermometer. I used an  average temperature for each surface from 3-4 spot measurements. The  conditions the day I measured were sunny and 83 degrees @ 30% humidity.  Wind was 2-3 mph. I made all the measurements within 6 minutes. Interior  measurements were taken in cabinets to avoid the influence of air conditioning.  Unfortunately the sun also heats the side of the coach and surely influenced  those readings.  

• Passenger Front Slide has a new black slide topper. 

• Passenger Rear Slide has a True Topper but I recently coated with a heat  reflective paint. 

• Driver Front Slide has a True Topper with no change to factory paint

• Driver Rear Slide has a True Topper with no change to factory paint. 


As you can see the surface temperature of the exposed slide roofs is  considerably lower than the covered slide. This could be due to the black fabric  slide topper capturing and trapping more heat. The exposed surfaces with a  factory white paint are also exposed to wind which may contribute along with  the reflective properties of the white coated aluminum. I was surprised to  measure lower temperatures on the slide roof than the fiberglass coach roof.  The temperature difference between the exposed slide roofs and the fiberglass  roof may demonstrate the effectiveness of the reflectivity and aluminum. As you  may notice, the slide roof coated with the special paint performed worse than  the uncoated roofs. I suspect that’s because the paint is designed for roofs that  don’t have an aluminum base. In the future I may remove that paint and replace  it with an automotive quality white paint."


Sincerely yours, 

-Mellow Honek

"I got tired of replacing fabric covers and listening to them flap in the strong winds of southern Oregon, so I bit the bullet and had the True Toppers installed on both slideouts in late March in Eugene Oregon. They've been through some pretty heavy rains and some snow and ice, and have performed great so far. If anything changes in that regard, I'll post an update. These toppers are very simple but also somewhat revolutionary. There are no spring roll-up mechanisms- these are basically just aluminum slats that would be about the same length as your fabric. The company that developed and installs this product is called Composite Solutions. The two techs (Neil and Dennis) that installed them were great guys and very professional about their business. There are two "pucker factors," aka "points of no return" in this modification; one, when they cut your fabric stem to stern to remove the original slideout topper, and another when they cut the top flange off of your slideout. But, by the time this happens, you've already committed anyway."

-S. Balone 2014 Dynamax DX3 37BH

"The installation went very well. They did a quick and thorough job. We haven't traveled very much since but I'm very happy with it so far."

-D. Lind 2011 Itasca 32H

"Thank you True Topper!
My wife and I purchased a 2008 Monaco in California in 2021. On the way home from California to Washington the 29’ super slide had an issue. Not only did it sag, it pooled water, making it difficult to bring in. In southern Oregon we stopped for the night. I put the super slide out. Within about 3 minutes a huge gust of wind caught the topper and destroyed it. All the springs were shot and it would no longer wind in. I have had motorhomes before but never had slides. So we cruised home with the topper hanging off the side. Now, that was a long ride, especially since every third car wanted to tell us what we already knew.  After getting home and cutting it off (didn’t have a ladder and many tools as this was totally empty when we picked it up), we started getting estimates on what it may cost to replace it and rebuild it. We were astounded at the price, only to know it wouldn’t be long before we had an issue with it again in a year or two, maybe three. But there was no way water wasn’t going to pool in the middle again. It seemed like a waste of money.  So I was watching YouTube and saw this awesome product that fixed all of that—The True Topper. No springs, no fabric, no sagging, no noise, no damage issues for life, because as we all know that there are a lot of other things to worry about and fix on an RV. You don’t want to have to worry about toppers! This company and their people are so nice, easy to deal with, and knowledgeable. They are fair and go above and beyond to help and accommodate anyone. I am so pleased with this new system. I cannot tell enough people. If you see me on the road, come over and ask me about it. "

-Brad & Lori 2008 Monaco Diplomat

"Having spent several nights and days in areas with winds up to 70mph over long periods (Oregon Coast, Indio, Calif) and worrying about my conventional slide toppers being torn or damaged, I decided, based on information I had to replace them with True Topper slide covers.


On March 29, 2023 after  a slight delay because of my GPS sending me up the wrong road I arrived at the factory in Oregon to have two True Topper slide covers installed on my 2013 Tiffin Open Road motorhome. The staff supplied me with water and power for my overnight stay. The next morning they moved the motorhome into the installation building and answered every question I had about how the Topper was developed, the materials used in the construction of the product and just what needed to be modified on my two slide outs. 


To my surprise I was able to observe their prep work, slide modification and the complete installation process. I was impressed by the care and detail used to modify the slide and the very careful way the True Toppers were installed. The concept is excellent and the lack of complicated winding mechanisms and fabric to degrade or get damaged is great.  The attention to detail and  willingness to answer all of my questions was a refreshing experience. The installation was completed in just one day and I left feeling very confident that the True Toppers were well made and installed properly. 


Based on the explanation of the engineering and installation process I have no doubts that the the True Toppers are going to be effective, long lasting and have greatly improved the appearance of my motorhome. Also no more getting up in the middle of the night to close the slides because of high winds. 


Please forgive me for forgetting the names of the great people I met and who installed the True Toppers. A special thanks for taking the time to come to my rescue when my GPS sent me down the wrong road. Thanks to everyone at Composite Solutions for the fine job and refreshing customer service.


PS The True Topper comes with a lifetime warranty and I have no reason based on their construction and careful installation that they will be anything but trouble free."

-G. Genther 2013 Tiffin open road 32ca

Copyright © 2015-2023 Composite Solutions Inc. | All Rights Reserved

Seamless Slides® and True Topper® are a registered trademark of Composite Solutions Inc. 

US Patents: 8,454,072, D684,096, 8,603,289, D700,110, 8,702,143, 9,744,896, & 10,112,351.

Canada Patents: 2,752,937 & patents pending.

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